AN ICON OF THE TIMES Built to last and named accordingly, this 41mm Runwell is designed in a supremely classic black and white colorway that will wear just as well in decades to come as it does right this minute. Black Arabic numerals and indices stand sharply against a clean white dial while a sub dial punctuates the look. From the laser-etched case back to the etched lightning bolt on the buckle, every detail of our flagship timepiece has been engineered with an obsessive focus to ensure it can be worn any way but it can't be worn out.
Built to last and named accordingly, this 41mm Runwell is designed in a supremely classic black and white colorway that will wear just as well in decades to come as it does right this minute. Black Arabic numerals and indices stand sharply against a clean white dial while a sub dial punctuates the look. From the laser-etched case back to the etched lightning bolt on the buckle, every detail of our flagship timepiece has been engineered with an obsessive focus to ensure it can be worn any way but it can't be worn out.
シノラはミシガン州デトロイトを拠点とするアメリカのライフスタイルブランドです。時計、自転車、皮革製品、時計、家庭用品、宝飾品を製造・販売しています。 2011年に設立されたShinolaは、廃業したShinola靴磨き会社を思い起こさせる一般的なことわざにちなんで名付けられました。